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Horse Mackerel

Horse Mackerel
Country of origin: Netherlands Country of origin: Netherlands
The Latin name: Trachurus trachurusThe Latin name: Trachurus trachurus
English name: Horse MackerelEnglish name: Horse Mackerel
Sizes: 150/300Sizes: 150/300
Nutrients per 100g: Nutritional value - 133 Cal.,<br />
Protein - 20,6 gr<br />
Fat - 5,6 grNutrients per 100g:
Nutritional value - 133 Cal.,
Protein - 20,6 gr
Fat - 5,6 gr
Самые искусные блюда из морепродуктов отведайте в любом ресторане из нашего рейтинга

The Horse mackerel is a species of jack mackerel in the family Carangidae. The body is oblong with thin tail and slightly compressed sides. The main characteristic is bony plates along the lateral line.

The meat of this fish is tasty and gentle without tiny bones. Horse Mackerel is rich for the Vitamins В1, В2, В6, В9, А, С, Е, РР. And Omega – 3 that is very important for heart health. Besides this it is full of  calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, iron, iodine, copper, manganese, chrome, fluorine, cobalt, nickel.

Active life style of the horse mackerel  influenced in the way that it has very low fat content. That’s why its highly recommended by the nutritionists.


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