Country of origin: France, Netherlands | |
The Latin name: Cancer pagurus | |
English name: Brown crab | |
Sizes: 400/600, 600/800, 800/1,2 | |
Nutrients per 100g: Calorie - 96.4 kcal Proteins - 16 g Fat - 3.6 g Calcium - 100 mg Sodium - 130 mg Potassium - 310 mg Phosphorus - 260 mg |
Crab Turto also known as Sleeping crab or brown crab . The name " sleeping crab " he has received because of his peculiarity - when you turn up it and urging shelled crab legs, he is pretending to be asleep.
Crab Turto widely distributed throughout the Atlantic coast of Europe. These crabs live to 20 years old and can reach a weight to a few kilograms.
The meat of this crab is gentle and lush and it is really popular between the Oriental and European cuisine.