Country of origin: | |
The Latin name: Crassostrea gigas | |
English name: Japanese oyster | |
Sizes: #3 | |
Nutrients per 100g: Caloric value: 66 cKal. Carbohyd. 4,0 g Protein -83,3 gr |
«Explore 5 aftertastes”, this logo is the best illustrated our new one –Japanese oyster.
Piquant, sweet, creamy and with salty aroma, it is open the wide tasty range oyster. This “5 shades” of tastes became from the growing method, due to modern filtration system and breeding ground. Oyster trays are situated on 50 foot deep into the strong tide zone. Using this method of Japanese refinement this oyster is on the one roe with the Dom Perignon champagne, Pata Negra Ham and truffles.
Sophistication of this oyster not only in its size #3 but in the brittle shells, too. That’s why it is better to use Chesapeake style but not traditional, as it could be really a nightmare and destroyed the shell greatly.
So, for your attention we are offer sophisticated oyster with the Japanese spirit.