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Country of origin: FranceCountry of origin: France
The Latin name: Littorina littoreaThe Latin name: Littorina littorea
English name: Periwinkle, BigorneauEnglish name: Periwinkle, Bigorneau
Sizes: Sizes:
Nutrients per 100g: Calorie - 90 cCal.,<br />
Protein - 16,10 gr<br />
Fat - 1,40 grNutrients per 100g:
Calorie - 90 cCal.,
Protein - 16,10 gr
Fat - 1,40 gr
Самые искусные блюда из морепродуктов отведайте в любом ресторане из нашего рейтинга

Periwinkle – small edible marine snail  Littorina it is a  thick spherical shell ; relative of the trumpeter, it is found along the European coast of the Atlantic Ocean . These mollusks often boiled in the shell, then taken out with a  special pin, very popular to cook soup from them, too.

People use snails as food since ancient times as in  even in ancient times it was seen many medicinal properties of snails , which are easily understandable from the standpoint of modern medicine and nutrition.

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