Country of origin: France | |
The Latin name: Crassostrea gigas | |
English name: Black Perle/Perle Noir | |
Sizes: №3, №2, №1 | |
Nutrients per 100g: Calories. - 66 kcal Carbohydrates - 4.0 g Fat - 1.7 g Water - 83.3 g Manganese - 0.66 mg Calcium - 77.9 mg Potassium - 215 mg Magnesium - 71.6 mg Iron - 2.1 mg Copper - 1.4 mg Zinc - 26.8 mg Sodium - 470 mg Phosphorus - 95 mg Iodine - 101 g Omega-6 - 67 mg Omega 3 - 272 mg Calories. - 66 kcal Carbohydrates - 4.0 g Fat - 1.7 g Water - 83.3 g Manganese - 0.66 mg Calcium - 77.9 mg Potassium - 215 mg Magnesium - 71.6 mg Iron - 2.1 mg Copper - 1.4 mg Zinc - 26.8 mg Sodium - 470 mg Phosphorus - 95 mg Iodine - 101 g Omega-6 - 67 mg Omega 3 - 272 mg Calories. - 66 kcal Carbohydrates - 4.0 g Fat - 1.7 g Water - 83.3 g Manganese - 0.66 mg Calcium - 77.9 mg Potassium - 215 mg Magnesium - 71.6 mg Iron - 2.1 mg Copper - 1.4 mg Zinc - 26.8 mg Sodium - 470 mg Phosphorus - 95 mg Iodine - 101 g Omega-6 - 67 mg Omega 3 - 272 mg Calories. - 66 kcal Carbohydrates - 4.0 g Fat - 1.7 g Water - 83.3 g Manganese - 0.66 mg Calcium - 77.9 mg Potassium - 215 mg Magnesium - 71.6 mg Iron - 2.1 mg Copper - 1.4 mg Zinc - 26.8 mg Sodium - 470 mg Phosphorus - 95 mg Iodine - 101 g Omega-6 - 67 mg Omega 3 - 272 mg |
The oyster "Black Pearl" are cultivated in France, the Utah Beach region, the Normandy Province, and then kept it in a soft environment of the river Belon. Until their maturity, to the acquisition of a unique taste.This region is famous for producing oysters with a sweet aftertaste. The body of Black Perl oyster is sufficiently dense. The absence of a pronounced salty taste is achieved because of the soft waters of the river Belon.